Learn How To Bluff Multiway Under 90 Minutes
Free 1 on 1 Training
Important note: To make sure we are not wasting time... applying the strategies I teach is ideal to study about 20 min per day and play at least 10 hours per week in live cash games.

If that is not doable for you, please leave this page.
If that's doable here is what you'll get:

Module 1:

The 2-step system how to find profitable bluffing spots on the flop and turn.

Module 2:

How to uncover opponents that are likely to fold to a raise. (This alone will help you find spots... when you can profitably check raise in 4-way and 5-way pots even with gutshots).

Module 3:

The only criteria you need to determine a profitable bluff on the river.

What should you expect to happen during the training?
#1. We will cover the theory with real-life examples.
#2. I'll answer your questions.
#3. We'll end the training with some quizzes.

Why listen to me?
I've been playing poker for a living, for about 6 years now. I have played more than 7000 hours at the tables and earned more than $315.000 in live cash games.
Also, I helped in the last 3 months 18 students become 10 big blinds per hour winners like...👇
Or like 14 more students who saw results in under 30 days...

Why I am doing that for free?
2 Reasons...

First, I am passionate about the game and genuinely want to help as many players as possible.

Second, I want to build trust by demonstrating my expertise... so that later, some of the students of the free training will become private clients.

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